The Center for Advanced Reproductive Services is a part of the First Fertility family of centers. Learn More About The Center.

Egg Donor FAQ

If you’re interested in starting the egg donor process, here are some frequently asked questions about becoming an egg donor. To discuss with us the possibility of becoming an egg donor, please complete our initial screening form.

Complete Initial Screen

Do I receive compensation?

Egg donation, on average, offers $8,000 in compensation. Compensation is provided for time and effort and is given in the form of a check when you come for your egg retrieval procedure.


Who is eligible?

Healthy women between the ages of 21 and 32 are welcome to apply. It is also important that you be a non-smoker and have a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 29 or lower. 

The ideal candidate knows the biological history of both sides of her family, is working towards meeting her own personal goals, and has an altruistic reason for wanting to donate her eggs. She also does not smoke or use marijuana or illicit drugs. You will not qualify if you do not meet these qualifications.

What are the first steps?

Your first step is to give us a little information about yourself. Please complete the initial screening form online. If you pass the initial screening and questionnaire forms, we will contact you and ask you to complete family medical and genetic questionnaires. We have a careful screening process in place to help us determine that you are medically and genetically appropriate to become a donor and that egg donation would not be medically or emotionally harmful to you. 

Any information that can identify you is kept completely confidential. A unique numeric code is assigned to each donor accepted into our program. Medical and family genetic information is made available to recipients identified by this number only.

What about insurance?

There is no cost to you for any of the screening tests, consultations, or treatment and procedures. Health insurance coverage for complications associated with procedures involved in egg donation is provided.


What medical procedures are involved?

Ultrasounds and blood tests will be done to monitor the development of egg follicles. When the follicles are well-developed, they will be retrieved by one of our physicians. This will be done under IV sedation, and you will not feel any pain.

Are there any risks or side effects from taking the fertility medication?

Some women do experience side effects. These can include upset stomach, breast tenderness, mood changes, and abdominal bloating. You will attend an information session with one of our donor nurses before any medical testing or procedures are done. The entire donation process, including side effects, will be reviewed before any testing is done.

How long does the process of egg donation take?

The entire donation cycle can take five to six weeks. Medications are usually started three to four weeks before monitoring begins. The egg retrieval will take place two to two-and-a-half weeks after this.

How much time will I have to take off from work or school?

Monitoring by ultrasound and blood work is done first thing in the morning, usually between 7 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. Donors can plan on being here for one of these tests about eight to 10 times during a two-to-two-and-a-half-week period. The egg retrieval is scheduled with 36 hours’ notice. You will need to take off the day of retrieval as well as the following day, and you should recover very quickly.

Do I have to meet the couple who receives my eggs?

No. Our program is designed to protect your anonymity and theirs.

How can I be sure my egg donation remains confidential?

We take your privacy and that of our recipients very seriously. You are identified in our system by a unique number. We may call you only by your first name if necessary.