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Egg Donor near Middlebury CT

When considering the best way to grow your family, some choose to use an egg donor. The Center for Advanced Reproductive Services offers fertility treatments that include egg donations to help our patients around Middlebury, Connecticut, build their families.

Why Might Someone Use an Egg Donor to Grow Their Family?

An egg donor can be a friend, family member, or a donation program designed to help people grow their families. There are many reasons that people choose to use an egg donor, such as:

  • Men in same-sex relationships
  • Women whose ovaries are surgically removed and can no longer produce eggs
  • Women who don’t produce eggs regularly or experience premature ovarian failure
  • Women who are postmenopausal but want to grow their families
  • If couples have a history of failed IVF cycles or don’t respond to ovarian stimulation

Your fertility specialist will conduct a fertility assessment to help you determine if a donor egg may be needed. We can customize your treatment options to grow your family and address your struggles with infertility.

How Does Egg Donation Work?

Egg donation is typically divided into two categories: identified egg donation and non-directed egg donation. An identified egg donation uses eggs from someone you know, while a non-directed egg donation is from women recruited for anonymous egg donation.

Egg donation will begin with a consultation and a fertility assessment to determine if the person donating is a good candidate for egg donation. The egg donor will then undergo the ovarian stimulation and egg retrieval process of an IVF cycle.

The donated eggs will then be fertilized in our lab with your partner’s or a donor’s sperm and monitored for five days. The healthiest day 5 embryo will be transferred to your uterus or to a gestational carrier for hopeful implantation.

The Centers’ psychologist and counselors will also guide and support the donor and the intended parents through all considerations during the process including how to speak to future children about how they were conceived.

The Center’s Egg Donation Program

The Center has an egg donation program for those interested in using eggs from an anonymous donor to grow their family. Our in-house program ensures the highest quality of donated eggs to promote successful outcomes. Our donors meet strict qualifications in order to be part of our donation program, including:

  • Donors must be non-smokers and not use drugs.
  • Donors must have a BMI (body mass index) of 29 or lower.
  • Donors must be currently working toward their own personal goals.
  • Donors must be between 21 and 32 years old.
  • Donors must fill out a questionnaire about medical and family history and social habits, which will be reviewed and assessed by our fertility specialists for risk of medical or genetic conditions.

Counseling is part of each egg donor’s experience to ensure they have the support they need to undergo the egg donation process. All of our donors are passionate about providing eggs to families who need them.

Learn More About the Egg Donor Program near Middlebury CT

If you’re interested in using an egg donor to grow your family, schedule an appointment with a fertility specialist at The Center. We can help you learn more about your donor options near Middlebury, CT, and create a personalized fertility treatment based on your medical history. Contact us to schedule an appointment today.